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Investment school for all

Fio has prepared a cycle of educational seminars dealing with the capital markets just for you. Themes are suitable for complete beginners and experienced investors. If you are looking for an alternative to term deposits and you have some knowledge of investing but are lacking experience or perhaps you already invest alone and would want to learn how to use tools for more efficient trading, feel free to choose from more advanced topics. We will teach you how to invest to the best of your investment abilities.

Seminars are held in cities across the Slovak Republic during evening hours. Seminars are FREE.

Sign up by simply clicking on the name of the seminar you want to visit. If you are interested in visiting multiple seminars, you must sign up for each individually.


Choose a topic:

  • Fundamentals of investments on the capital market

    Would you like to start to invest in stocks but you don't want to be a trial and error investor? Come to a seminar where you will get to understand the most important things that any rational investor should know. Find out what a stock is and why to invest in them, which stocks can be traded, their specifications and why there is no bad publicly traded company. In the second part we introduce you to the on-line application, e-Broker; we describe its structure and tell you where to find the information you are looking for. Part of the description is also buying and selling stocks in the U.S. online.

  • Securities analysis and intelligent orders

    Absolvovali ste seminár pre začiatočníkov, alebo už máte základné znalosti z kapitálového trhu? Príďte si vypočuť, aké sú základné stavebné kamene fundamentálnej analýzy, ktorá skúma vnútornú hodnotu akcie a porovnáva ju s aktuálnou hodnotou na burze. Čo je to trhová kapitalizácia, čistý zisk, zadlženosť, rentabilita, P/E či P/B - na názorných príkladoch sa pokúsime vysvetliť čo najzrozumiteľnejšie pojmy, s ktorými sa môžete pri investovaní stretnúť. V druhej časti vám predstavíme inteligentné pokyny, ktoré automaticky reagujú na trhový vývoj a ktoré sa používajú ako ochrana vašej investície pri neočakáných poklesoch.


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