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Mastercard Platinum

A premium contactless payment card with international validity, with which you can withdraw cash from all ATMs in the world for free and pay for goods or services in shops and online.

A Mastercard Platinum payment card is automatically provided with travel insurance in the Gold variant and insurance against card misuse in the Extra variant.

Applications for a gold payment card are assessed individually, usually on the basis of the customer's history with Fio banka.


Benefits of Mastercard PlatinumMastercard Platinum

  • The card is valid for 4 years
  • At least two ATM withdrawals each month - free
  • Travel insurance (Gold version) – free
  • Insurance against card misuse (Extra version) – free
  • A Mastercard Gold card is an embossed card
  • Electronic changes to payment card limits - free
  • CashBack service - free
  • Payment card PIN codes can be changed using Internetbanking or Smartbanking
  • Issuance of the card is free, management follows the current price list


Conditions and procedure to receive a payment card

A card can be connected to your current account in EUR and CZK.

You can have multiple payment cards for multiple cardholders who do not need their own Fio banka accounts. The account connected to an issued card cannot be cancelled for the validity of the payment card.

Do you want a Mastercard Platinum payment card?

Open a Fio banka account - more information.

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